News and Events

19 Oct

2021 Winner: Jenelle Cardamone

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14 Jun

2021 UPHF Scholarship Winners

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12 Jun

2021 UPHF Scholarship Winners

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17 May

Don't Miss the Boat

Remember, June 4th is the deadline.

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23 Apr


As more and more cities & states reduce restrictions, we acknowledge the tighter time constraints everyone is experiencing. That is why we have extended the deadline to apply for a 2021 UPHF Scholarship until June 4, 2021.

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19 Apr

Check your email Spam folder

A friendly reminder from your friends at the UPHF.

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7 Apr

Dreams Can Be Achieved

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26 Mar

5 Easy Steps

Apply for a UPH Foundation Scholarship Today!

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1 Feb

The 2021 Scholarship Application Window Is Now Open

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